Every dog parent that is open to having more puppies at home will eventually have to go through the scary first time! It will require a lot of patience and care for not just the puppies, but also the momma dog. While your dog having puppies is a wonderful and beautiful thing it can be a stressful ordeal if you’re not prepared for what’s about to happen. For the next two months, even if everything goes smoothly with the birth, you have a lot of work to do!  Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

Here’s a crash course on what to do and what to prepare for your dog giving birth up to taking care of the newborn pups:




Make Sure To Have An Emergency Vet Contact


If you haven’t gone to a vet yet, or have no official vet for your dogs, it might be time that you consider going there for your dog to have official vet records. Nothing is better for your dog’s pregnancy than professionals that can help guide you through the process. If you already have a vet, make sure that you have the contact details of your vet and their clinic should you experience any trouble.

It is important to involve your vet throughout your dog’s pregnancy. Remember to check in with your vet if you have any questions about your dog’s pregnancy.

dog vet


Quality Dog Food


Just like humans, dogs need extra nourishment when they are pregnant. Your dog will need the best and healthiest food available to them if you want your dog and their puppies to be healthy. It’s important to slowly introduce this to their diet. It’s best to consult a vet with the proper vitamins and supplements before you start giving them to your dog.

Once your dog is about 5 weeks pregnant, it is important you give your dog a diet of a higher calorie intake for her growing puppies. Continue this high-calorie diet until she weans her puppies off her milk. You don’t need to buy expensive and premium dog food, there are many alternatives you can find the recipes for without breaking the bank. You can also consult your vet for these.


quality dog food



Help Her Find A Place To Nest


Nesting is a primal instinct for a mother dog. When a female dog is preparing for the birth of her puppies she will tear newspaper, rip blankets, and gather toys in a designated area to create a nest. You’ll need a Whelping Box. It is designed to protect puppies during birth (whelping) and early life by keeping them safely contained, protected from cold, and safe from the danger of crushing or smothering by the mother.

Get your whelping box ready and make sure to put it in a nice, quiet, comfortable, and (especially) warm space that is familiar to her. So, get a few blankets, pillows, newspapers, or a puppy training pad, and even a heating pad if your area is exceptionally cold to make sure your dog can deliver her pups safely and securely. The box is also important to keep the litter of puppies close to the mother and socialize with each other.


Check Her Temperature


One of the more common signs of dogs going into labor is a drop in their temperature, so you must start checking your dog’s temperature probably a week before the expected date so you can start charting any significant drops in temperature. Once you notice this change, you can be sure to expect a litter of newborn pups.



Take care of the Mother


After the birthing process, clean up the mother as much as possible without upsetting her using warm water and a washcloth. Do not use any soaps or disinfectants, unless instructed by your veterinarian.

Your mother dog knows and understands what to do by instinct, so she should do most of the work herself.

Normally, the new mother will spend most of her time with the puppies. For the first few days, it may be difficult to get her to leave the nest even to go to the bathroom.

Do not be afraid of putting her on a collar and leash and taking her out for a short period. She will only want to be away from her pups for a few minutes, but take full advantage of that time to clean up their bed and make the whelping box safe for the puppies.

A reminder before she returns to her puppies is that you should check her nipples and vulva to make sure there are no problems such as bleeding, foul-smelling discharges, or any other abnormalities. The mother is just as important here. Without her, the babies have very low chances of survival.


Milk Alternatives


puppy drinking milk


Should your dog have some trouble whelping or perhaps after a few weeks they can’t feed the newborn pups enough you should consider getting some milk replacers and hand-feed your new pups. Word to the wise though, it is a good idea to consult your vet first regarding milk replacers and hand feeding, newborn pups are pretty sensitive so you have to be very careful.  


Check on the Puppies for the First Few Months


It is recommended, particularly with a first-time mother, to check the puppies every few hours to make sure they are all suckling and are warm and contented. Any puppies that are crying or appear cold should be placed on the inguinal (hind) teats and checked frequently to make sure they are not being pushed away by the other puppies. The teats between the hind legs generally give the most milk.

Make sure the puppies are kept warm. Young puppies cannot maintain their own body temperature for a week or two after birth. Although the puppies will snuggle up with their mom and each other for warmth, it’s best to use a heat lamp during their first month of life.

dog whelping box


As long as the puppies stay close to their mother, the room temperature is not too critical. However, if the mother leaves her puppies alone, they need to be provided with an external source of warmth.

During the first two weeks of life, before their eyes open, puppies should feed and sleep for at least 90% of the time.

By the fourth week, the puppies are ready to begin socializing with humans and other dogs. Weeks four through twelve are a critical window during which puppies need to learn about the world they’ll inhabit so they’ll become well-adjusted doggos when they grow up.

check dog temperature


Dog birth and being prepared for newborn puppies may seem like a lot to handle, but we’re sure you’re ready to take on this new challenge and responsibility! It’s an amazing (and stressful) experience that every dog parent will truly learn from.


Do you know any dog parents that are expecting newborn pups too? Feel free to share this with them! For more informative dog guides and stories, browse through our website!


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