Dogs are one of the most beloved pets in the world and it’s easy to see why. They bring us joy, companionship, and unconditional love. But sometimes our love for our canine friends can go a bit too far. If you find yourself exhibiting any of the following 13 signs, you may be a bit too obsessed with your pup!


  1. Lots of Snuggling: Do you find yourself snuggling up with your pup more than usual? Whether it’s on the couch or in bed, if you’re constantly cuddling with your dog then you may be a bit too obsessed.
  2. Treating Your Dog Like a Human Baby: Do you treat your pup like they’re one of your children? From buying them special treats to dressing them up in cute outfits, if you’re treating your dog like a human baby then it’s safe to say that you’re probably obsessed!
  3. You Only Feed Them the Best Food: Are you constantly searching for new and improved food options for your pup? If so, then chances are that you’re pretty obsessed with making sure that they get only the best nutrition possible.
  4. You Talk to Them Like a Person: Do you find yourself having full conversations with your pup? While talking to animals is perfectly normal, if it feels like they understand every word that comes out of your mouth then there’s a good chance that you might be a bit too obsessed with them!
  5. You Happily Pay Extra Security Deposits: Are you willing to pay extra security deposits just so that your pup can come along on vacation? If so, then this is definitely an indication that you might be overly attached to them!
  6. You Have Multiple Pictures of Your Dog Everywhere: Is there not one room in your house without pictures of your pup? If so, then this could be an indication that you might be slightly obsessed with them!
  7. You Take Them Everywhere With You: Do people often comment on how much time they see you and your pup spending together? If so, then this could mean that maybe taking them everywhere isn’t just convenient but also because of how much time and energy they take up in your life – which could mean obsession!
  8. You Spend More Time With Your Dog Than People: Does it feel like more time is spent playing fetch or going for walks than actually interacting with other humans? If so, then this could be another sign that maybe things have gone too far when it comes to how much time and energy is devoted to caring for and loving on our furry friends!
  9. You Give Them Gifts All The Time: Do people often comment on how many gifts they’ve seen given to your pup over the years? If so, then this could mean that maybe things have gone from occasional treats into full-blown gift-giving territory – which could indicate obsession!
  10. You Buy Special Toys Just For Them: Are there always new toys being purchased for playtime fun? If so, then this could mean that maybe things have gone from occasional purchases into full-blown toy shopping sprees – which could indicate obsession!
  11. Your Dog Will Be In Your Wedding Photos: Is there no doubt in anyone’s mind as to who will make an appearance in all those wedding photos? If so, then this could mean that maybe things have gone from occasional appearances into full-blown photo ops – which could indicate obsession!
  12. You Get Upset When They Don’t Listen To Commands: Does it feel like nothing gets done unless everyone follows orders exactly as instructed by their owner (you)? If so, then this could mean that maybe things have gone from occasional reminders into full-blown obedience training sessions – which could indicate obsession!
  13. Every Time Someone Mentions Dogs…You Immediately Think Of Yours: Does it feel like every conversation about dogs leads back to yours eventually? If so, then this could mean that maybe things have gone from occasional mentions into full-blown monologues about all their amazing qualities – which could indicate obsession!

If any (or all!) of these signs sound familiar to you when thinking about how much love and attention goes into caring for our furry friends – don’t worry; being overly attached isn’t necessarily a bad thing as long as we remember not to let our devotion get out of hand or become unhealthy for either us or our pups! After all; at the end of the day we want what’s best for both ourselves and our four-legged family members alike – even if it means being just a little bit more obsessed than usual every now and again 😉


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I Love My Dog So Much is an American-Based Online Magazine Focused On Dogs, Including Entertainment, Wellness, Educational Resources For Pet Owners, Advocacy, And Animal Rescue.
