Bentley Boyers, of Jackson, Michigan, was born with a cleft palate, which made it hard for him to eat as a newborn.

Now, at two years old, Boyers has received two surgeries to correct his lip, and he is now able to eat much easier. While he is growing stronger each day, he still feels he is different, but now he is not alone.

When Bentley’s dad, Brandon, went to Jackson County Animal Shelter to adopt two chickens, he came across a two-month-old puppy with a cleft lip.

He immediately faced timed his wife, Ashley, who knew right away that they had to adopt this puppy.

“To see him have something in common with a puppy means a lot ’cause he can grow up and understand that he and his puppy both have something that they can share in common,” Ashley told WILX.

As soon as Bentley first met his new puppy, he had the biggest smile on his face. He hugged the puppy tight and gave her a kiss. It’s clear that these two are going to be the best of friends in no time!

Shelter staff says the puppy may look different than a normal dog, but it isn’t slowing her down at all. They don’t believe that it is holding her back, and she is doing very well.

Bentley will still need to undergo a bone-grafting surgery once he is a little older, but at least this time he will have his new furry best friend by his side to help him through it!

H/T to WILX.

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