If you’re stuck at home and looking for ways to keep your pup entertained, why not try making some DIY cognitive dog toys? Cognitive dog toys are great for mental stimulation and can help to reduce boredom. They also provide an opportunity for you and your pup to bond over a shared activity.

DIY cognitive dog toys don’t have to be complicated or expensive. With a few simple materials, you can make some fun and stimulating toys that will keep your pup occupied for hours. Here are some ideas to get you started:

Toilet Tube Treat Dispensers

Toilet tube treat dispensers are easy to make with just a few supplies. All you need is an empty toilet paper roll, some treats, and something to secure the ends of the roll (like tape or rubber bands). Place the treats inside the tube and secure the ends. Your pup will have fun trying to get the treats out!

Muffin Tin Shell Game

This game is great for pups who love puzzles. Start by placing treats in each cup of a muffin tin. Then cover each cup with a shell or other small object (you can use bottle caps, rocks, etc.). Let your pup sniff out the treats by moving around the shells until they find them all!

Shoebox Hide and Seek

This game is perfect for dogs who love hide-and-seek! Start by cutting holes in a shoebox large enough for your pup’s nose to fit through. Place treats inside the box and let your pup search for them using their sense of smell. This game is sure to keep them entertained!

Doggy Ball Maze

This game requires a bit more effort but it’s worth it! Start by cutting holes in a cardboard box large enough for a tennis ball or other small ball to fit through. Place treats inside the box and then place the ball on top of them so that they’re hidden from view. Your pup will have fun trying to figure out how to get the ball off so they can access the treats underneath!

These are just a few ideas for DIY cognitive dog toys that you can make while stuck at home with your pup. With these simple activities, you can help keep your pup mentally stimulated while providing quality bonding time together!

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I Love My Dog So Much is an American-Based Online Magazine Focused On Dogs, Including Entertainment, Wellness, Educational Resources For Pet Owners, Advocacy, And Animal Rescue.
