A pet owner is innocently recording his pets. His dog is fast asleep on the bed and beside him, his cat lounges about. All seems fine, until… the unexpected happens.

video sourceSome things just can’t be helped. And some of those things can be a tad, um, unpleasant. Passing gas is a bodily function that is beyond our control. Yet, some are either repulsed by it or find it to be the funniest thing ever.

The cat in this video is on team Anti-Gas. Most would assume since it’s something we can’t control, that another animal really wouldn’t care. Have you ever seen a pet really mind if another pet has to go to the bathroom? Take a drink of water? Um, no. But this cat is a major exception.

video source

While his doggy sibling is happily snoozing, a necessary bodily function sneaks out of his little body. He continues to sleep, oblivious, having no idea what just happened.

Well, the cat is one of those creatures that does not appreciate a good toot. And has no qualms expressing that. The cat’s reaction to the sleep fart is truly epic. Go ahead and see for yourself. This video is yet another reason to love animals. Aren’t they the best?

Golden Retriever Basically Treats The Vet’s Office As If It’s The Playground

No one likes having to go to the doctor, and going to the vet is the same thing for a dog. No one wants to be poked or prodded while awaiting some potentially bad news, but it must be done for our health. While most dogs try running the other direction when taken to the vet’s office, there’s one particular dog who absolutely loves it!

The vet’s office is basically a playground to this happy-go-lucky Golden Retriever, and it’s funny to see! The entrance she makes every single time just about says it all. She’ll bust through the door with her leash in her mouth ready to greet everyone inside!

The Golden Retriever runs laps throughout the office building the way any other dog would run through the dog park. She’s genuinely happy to be here, and there’s nothing that could change that for her! If only it were this easy to get my dog to the vet. ?


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I Love My Dog So Much is an American-Based Online Magazine Focused On Dogs, Including Entertainment, Wellness, Educational Resources For Pet Owners, Advocacy, And Animal Rescue.
