Despite being flung from a moving automobile off a 15-foot bridge while inside a plastic bin, a little puppy amazingly made it through the ordeal unharmed.

A report was made to police in Orange County, Florida, from a witness who claimed to have seen someone throw the plastic container over the bridge while they were out walking their dog.


The resident claimed they called the neighborhood police after realizing a dog had been left behind.

According to a statement made by Orange county animal services and shared on social media, the worried neighbor had claimed they believed there was a dog inside since they could see it curled up inside from the top of the bridge.


In order to reach the dog, which had landed close to the bridge, officials at the site last Thursday had to drop down a steep embankment and battle through the bush for 30 minutes, according to ABC News.

“Our cop and the deputy risked getting hurt while down the steep hillside, but they managed to save lovely Daisy. We are appreciative of their bravery and prompt action.



The Facebook post stated, “What they found was a young female puppy inside a small blue plastic tote that had been tossed away like garbage.”

The animal services officer who went down to save the dog was shown in the photos being petted as the dog looked up from where she had landed.


The county personnel saved and took care of the four-year-old dog, which the local authorities called Daisy.

The dog was later adopted, according to the representatives of animal services.


Given the proximity to local shelters, the officials further stated that they were unaware of the dog’s whereabouts.

“The shelter is not far from the spot where Daisy was dumped. Countless private rescue organizations would be eager to accept a kind and gentle dog for fostering or adoption. And yet someone decided to carry out this heinous deed instead,” the statement continued.



The statement said, “We will never comprehend why individuals treat animals in such a horrific way, but we feel lucky that so many locals notice and report it.”

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Source: The Guardian

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