Dogs are wonderful companions, bringing love and laughter into our lives. However, there are times when our furry friends exhibit behaviors that can be puzzling or downright “icky.” From rolling in unpleasant smells to drinking from the toilet, our dogs’ antics can sometimes leave us feeling a little grossed out. In this article, we’ll explore the science and emotions behind these behaviors to help you better understand and appreciate your canine companion, even when they give you the “ick.”

  1. Rolling in Smelly Stuff

One of the most baffling and icky behaviors is when dogs roll in unpleasant odors, such as garbage, feces, or even dead animals. This behavior is believed to have roots in their ancestral instincts. Rolling in strong smells may have helped wild dogs mask their scent from potential prey or predators, and communicate with other members of their pack. While this habit may be off-putting, understanding its evolutionary origins can help you see it in a new light.

  1. Eating Poop

Coprophagia, or the consumption of feces, is another icky behavior that can be particularly concerning for dog owners. There are several reasons why dogs may engage in this behavior, including nutritional deficiencies, stress, and even curiosity. It’s essential to consult your veterinarian to address any underlying health issues or dietary needs that may be contributing to this habit. In some cases, behavior modification techniques or deterrents may be recommended.

  1. Drinking from the Toilet

Many dogs are attracted to drinking water from the toilet, despite having a clean water bowl readily available. This behavior can be attributed to several factors, such as the cool temperature of toilet water and the novelty of the location. To discourage this habit, keep toilet lids closed and ensure that your dog has access to fresh, clean water in their bowl at all times.

  1. Licking and Sniffing Unmentionables

Dogs have a keen sense of smell and often use their noses and mouths to gather information about their environment. This can include licking or sniffing people’s private areas, dirty laundry, or other objects that we consider unhygienic. While these actions can be embarrassing and unsettling, it’s essential to remember that dogs experience the world differently than we do. Providing your dog with positive outlets for their curiosity, such as puzzle toys or scent games, can help redirect their attention to more appropriate activities.

  1. Slobber and Drool

Some dog breeds, particularly those with loose jowls or large lips, are prone to excessive drooling. While drool can be icky to handle, it’s a natural part of these dogs’ physiology. To manage the slobber, keep a towel or rag handy for wiping their mouths and be prepared to clean up any messes as needed.


While some canine behaviors may give us the “ick,” it’s important to recognize that these actions are often rooted in natural instincts, curiosity, or physiological traits. By understanding the reasons behind these behaviors and finding positive ways to manage or redirect them, we can maintain a strong bond with our furry friends, even when they engage in their quirkiest antics. Remember to consult your veterinarian or a professional dog trainer if you have concerns about your dog’s behavior or need assistance in addressing any icky habits.


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I Love My Dog So Much is an American-Based Online Magazine Focused On Dogs, Including Entertainment, Wellness, Educational Resources For Pet Owners, Advocacy, And Animal Rescue.
