While the “Festival of Lights” —Hanukkah— occurs in December for people of the Jewish faith, another — Diwali — also called the “Festival of Lights,” occurred a couple of months ago for those of the Hindu, Sikh, and Jain traditions. It celebrates the triumph of light over darkness; good over evil. It’s customary to set off fireworks.  Fireworks can scare your dog, so much so, that one puppy — Pip—  in South Africa, hid (got stuck) in a drainpipe. 

Pip’s family realized she was missing when they heard her whimpering from inside. They attempted to lure her out but could not.  “We tried up until 9 p.m. or so.” Said her owner, Ndonie Shezi. “We all hardly slept, and by 5 a.m., we were up trying again.”



Petros Simamane, an inspector for the Kloof and Highway SPCA, was called in. To pull her out, Simamane would need to dig into the ground and cut the pipe. He retrieved a shovel and pickaxe, but the dog had moved deeper into the drain when he returned. So he called a plumber to assist. 

“She was going in reverse, backward. In the pipe. I think she fell into the drop, where she could not climb up.” 


Ganga Plumbers halted other work to rescue little Pip. His face appeared on the screen around 60 feet in. The drainpipe, it turned out, had another entrance on the other side of a fence, where they could start digging.

Plumber Rishi Haripersad retrieved the mud-caked weary puppy in one piece. “It’s quite satisfying to know we’ve helped a helpless pup.” 



Source: The Dodo


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