The Bergamasco Sheepdog is a unique and fascinating breed that has evolved from its humble beginnings as a sheep herder to become a beloved family pet. This breed, also known as the Cane da Pastore Bergamasco, has a long history in the Lombardy region of Italy, where it was first bred to herd sheep in the rugged terrain of the Italian Alps.


In this article, we will explore the evolution of the Bergamasco Sheepdog, from its early days as a working dog to its current role as a loyal and loving companion.


Origins of the Bergamasco Sheepdog:

The Bergamasco Sheepdog is a very old breed, with origins that date back to the 4th or 5th century A.D. It is believed that the breed was developed by the Celts who settled in the Lombardy region of Italy, bringing their herding dogs with them. Over time, these dogs were crossed with local breeds, resulting in the Bergamasco Sheepdog we know today.


Early Role as a Sheep Herder:

The Bergamasco Sheepdog was originally bred to herd sheep in the rugged terrain of the Italian Alps. This breed was highly valued by local shepherds for its ability to work in harsh conditions and navigate difficult terrain. The Bergamasco Sheepdog’s thick coat was also an advantage in the cold mountain climate, as it provided protection from the elements.

As a working dog, the Bergamasco Sheepdog was highly intelligent and had a strong work ethic. These dogs were known for their loyalty and devotion to their shepherds, and would work tirelessly to protect their flocks.


Transition to Family Pet:

As the need for sheep herding declined in the Lombardy region, the Bergamasco Sheepdog began to transition from a working dog to a companion animal. However, this transition was not immediate, and it wasn’t until the 20th century that the breed began to be recognized as a family pet.

One of the first people to recognize the potential of the Bergamasco Sheepdog as a companion animal was Dr. Maria Andreoli, a veterinarian from Milan. In the 1970s, Dr. Andreoli began breeding Bergamascos with the intention of creating a dog that was not only a loyal companion, but also a protector of the family.

Today, the Bergamasco Sheepdog is recognized as a loving and affectionate family pet. This breed is known for its intelligence, loyalty, and calm demeanor, making it an ideal choice for families with children.


Unique Coat:

One of the most distinctive features of the Bergamasco Sheepdog is its unique coat. This breed has a thick, woolly coat that forms mats, or “flocks,” as it grows. These mats are what give the Bergamasco Sheepdog its distinctive appearance.

The Bergamasco Sheepdog’s coat serves a practical purpose as well. In its original role as a sheep herder, the coat provided protection from the elements and from predators. Today, the coat continues to serve a protective function, as it provides insulation from the cold and helps to protect the dog from injury.


Training and Exercise Needs:

The Bergamasco Sheepdog is a highly intelligent breed that requires regular mental and physical stimulation. This breed responds well to positive reinforcement training and is known for its eagerness to please its owner.

In terms of exercise, the Bergamasco Sheepdog needs a moderate amount of physical activity each day. A daily walk or run is recommended, as well as regular playtime and interactive toys to keep the dog mentally stimulated.


Potential Health Issues:

Like all breeds, the Bergamasco Sheepdog is susceptible to certain health issues. Some of the most common health concerns for this breed include hip dysplasia, progressive retinal atrophy, and bloat. It is important for potential owners to research these health concerns and work with a reputable breeder who screens their breeding dogs for these conditions.


Breed Standards:

The Bergamasco Sheepdog is a medium to large-sized breed, with males typically weighing between 70 and 84 pounds and females weighing between 57 and 71 pounds. This breed has a muscular build and a distinctive, shaggy coat.

The breed standard for the Bergamasco Sheepdog calls for a coat that is “rough and shaggy,” with “mats” or “flocks” of hair that cover the body. The coat can be black, gray, or fawn, and should have a natural, untrimmed appearance.

The Bergamasco Sheepdog’s head is large and square, with a broad forehead and a strong, square jaw. The eyes are almond-shaped and set well apart, and the ears are medium-sized and triangular in shape.

The breed’s tail is long and carried low, and the feet are large and round, with thick pads and strong nails.


Training and Socialization:

Like all breeds, the Bergamasco Sheepdog requires early socialization and training to ensure that it grows up to be a well-behaved and well-adjusted adult. Early socialization is particularly important for this breed, as it can be reserved with strangers and may exhibit protective instincts.

Training should be positive and reward-based, with a focus on consistency and clear communication. This breed is highly intelligent and responds well to training that engages its mind and body.

Socialization should involve exposure to a variety of people, animals, and environments to help the Bergamasco Sheepdog become comfortable and confident in new situations. This breed can be protective of its family, so it is important to teach it appropriate behavior around strangers and other dogs.


Grooming and Maintenance:

The Bergamasco Sheepdog’s distinctive coat requires regular grooming to keep it healthy and free of mats. This breed’s coat should be brushed at least once a week to remove loose hair and prevent matting.

The mats that form in the Bergamasco Sheepdog’s coat should not be brushed out, as this can damage the hair and cause discomfort for the dog. Instead, the mats should be separated and “stripped” by hand, using a technique that involves gently pulling the hair apart to create individual flocks.

Bathing should be done as needed, but not too frequently as it can strip the coat of its natural oils. It is also important to keep the Bergamasco Sheepdog’s ears clean and dry to prevent infections.



The Bergamasco Sheepdog is a unique and fascinating breed that has evolved from its origins as a sheep herder to become a beloved family pet. This breed’s distinctive shaggy coat, intelligence, and loyalty make it an ideal companion for families who are looking for a dog that is both protective and affectionate.

While the Bergamasco Sheepdog’s transition from a working dog to a family pet was not immediate, it is a testament to the breed’s adaptability and versatility. Today, the Bergamasco Sheepdog is recognized as a loyal and loving companion and continues to be valued for its intelligence and protective instincts.

If you are considering adding a Bergamasco Sheepdog to your family, it is important to work with a reputable breeder who can provide you with a healthy and well-socialized puppy. With proper training, socialization, and grooming, the Bergamasco Sheepdog can make a wonderful addition to any family.


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