The holidays are a time for celebrations, food, family, friends, and of course, music. Since pets are a part of the family, millions of people create traditions with their dogs every year. This year, one dog, in particular, got carried away by the spirit of the season when a Christmas song came on the television. The melody and voices piqued his attention, and we are grateful his owner recorded footage of what the dog did next.

Source: BestDogsLifeUK/YouTube

The Golden Retriever is seen sitting in front of a television as Luciano Pavarotti and the Three Tenors appear to sing “White Christmas.” As soon as the singers belt out the tune, the dog sings in harmony with them. What is most hysterical, however, is when the singing stops and the instrumental parts come on, the dog stops singing, too!

Maybe the dog thinks he can be the fourth tenor or perhaps he wants to watch Snoopy’s Christmas instead, but we like the sounds of his melodic howling. Take a close look as you watch the video, as the dog stares intently at the television with the patience of a saint. He really is having a fabulous time for the holidays. Turn up the volume, grab a cup of cocoa, and be prepared for a canine Christmas in the video below.

Source: BestDogsLifeUK/YouTube

Happy “Howl-i-days!”

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I Love My Dog So Much is an American-Based Online Magazine Focused On Dogs, Including Entertainment, Wellness, Educational Resources For Pet Owners, Advocacy, And Animal Rescue.
