If you’re looking for a new furry friend, the Havanese may be the perfect breed for you. This small, intelligent breed is known for its loving and loyal nature. But like any other pet, they require special care and attention in order to stay healthy and happy. Here are some tips on how to care for your new Havanese puppy.

Create a Routine

Creating a routine is essential when it comes to caring for your pup. Establishing regular feeding times, potty breaks, and playtime will help your pup adjust more quickly to their new home. It also helps them learn what behaviors are expected of them.

Crate Training

Crate training is an important part of housebreaking your pup. It provides them with a safe space where they can go when they need some alone time or when you need to leave the house. When crate training, make sure that you provide plenty of positive reinforcement whenever your pup goes into their crate willingly or behaves appropriately while in it.


It’s important to feed your pup high-quality food that is specifically formulated for their age and size. Make sure that you follow the instructions on the package carefully so that you don’t overfeed or underfeed them. You should also provide plenty of fresh water throughout the day so that they stay hydrated.


Discipline is an important part of raising any pet, but especially puppies who are still learning about acceptable behavior and boundaries. When disciplining your pup, make sure that you use positive reinforcement methods such as praising good behavior and ignoring bad behavior whenever possible. If necessary, use gentle corrections such as verbal reprimands or redirecting their attention away from inappropriate activities instead of physical punishment or harsh words which can cause fear or anxiety in your pup.

Socialize Your Puppy

Socializing your puppy is key to helping them become well-adjusted adults who get along with other animals and people alike. Take them out on walks around the neighborhood so that they can meet other dogs and people in a controlled environment where they can learn how to interact properly with others without becoming overly excited or aggressive. You should also take them to puppy classes if available so that they can further develop their social skills in a supervised setting with other puppies their age and size.

Health Checks

Regular health checks are essential for keeping your pup healthy and happy throughout their life span. Make sure that you take them to the vet at least once every year for checkups and vaccinations as recommended by your veterinarian based on their age and lifestyle factors such as whether or not they spend time outdoors regularly or have contact with other animals often. Additionally, keep an eye out for any changes in behavior or physical appearance which could indicate an underlying health issue such as weight loss/gain, excessive scratching/licking/biting at themselves, etc., so that you can address these issues promptly before they become more serious problems down the line.


Playtime is an important part of developing strong bonds between you and your pup while also providing mental stimulation which helps prevent boredom-related behaviors such as chewing furniture or barking excessively when left alone at home all day long while you’re at work/school/etc.. Make sure that you set aside some time each day (at least 30 minutes) dedicated solely to playing with your pup whether it be fetching balls outside in the backyard or teaching them tricks inside using treats as rewards – just have fun!

Grooming & Bathing

Havanese require daily combing and brushing in order to avoid tangling and matting of their silky coats which can lead to skin irritation if left unattended too long between grooming sessions – this should be done at least twice per week depending on how often they go outside (more often if they spend lots of time outdoors). Additionally, baths should be given every 1-2 weeks depending on how dirty they get during playtime (again more often if spending lots of time outdoors). Lastly, nails should be trimmed every 2 weeks along with cleaning out ears regularly using cotton swabs dipped in warm water only (no alcohol-based products) – never attempt trimming nails yourself unless instructed by a professional groomer/veterinarian first!

With proper care and attention, Havanese puppies make wonderful companions who will bring joy into any family’s life! Just remember these tips when caring for yours: create a routine; crate train; feedings; discipline; socialize; health checks; playtime; grooming & bathing – then sit back relax enjoy watching all those cute puppy antics!


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