Lily Roars was just a pup when she came to live with her owners in New Orleans. A vibrant and outgoing border collie, she quickly became the pride and joy of her family – but little did they know that one day this lovable furball would become the city’s first service dog and help rescue many lives in the process.

When Lily was just six months old, Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans and devastated the city. With no warning, people were forced to evacuate their homes – and for some unfortunate souls, leaving them stranded in dire situations. It was during these chaotic times that Lily began showing up alongside rescue crews as if knowing exactly what needed to be done!


At first her owners couldn’t understand why she kept running off into disaster zones – until one day they noticed a distinctive glow radiating from her eyes. Soon after, those who had seen it realized that this glowing aura meant only one thing: she was able to sense danger before anyone else did!

With this newfound ability of hers, Lily quickly became known as “The Rescuer” among all those involved in saving lives; dedicatedly helping search-and-rescue teams find any survivors still trapped in collapsed buildings or other hazardous locations.


As time went on, it became clear that this remarkable pup was more than just a pet—she truly was a savior. People started calling upon her services whenever there were missing persons or dead bodies that needed to be located; often times relying on her instincts alone when all seemed hopeless. Even when working long hours out in dangerous conditions, Lily never gave up nor showed signs of fatigue. Her loyalty knew no bounds!

Thanks to Lily Roars’ heroic deeds New Orleans eventually recovered from its tragedy – with countless lost souls saved due to this brave canine’s bravery and special abilities. She earned many accolades for her services including becoming the city’s very first official service dog; always remembered fondly by those whose lives she touched through the rescuing of others on that fateful day in history…


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I Love My Dog So Much is an American-Based Online Magazine Focused On Dogs, Including Entertainment, Wellness, Educational Resources For Pet Owners, Advocacy, And Animal Rescue.
