The Norwegian Lundehund is a unique breed of dog that has captured the hearts of many pet owners. With its unusual physical characteristics and fascinating history, it’s no wonder that this breed has become so popular. But did you know that there are many interesting facts and pieces of trivia about the Norwegian Lundehund that you might not be aware of? In this blog post, we will explore some of these fun facts and learn more about this one-of-a-kind breed.


1. The Lundehund was bred to hunt puffins

One of the most interesting facts about the Norwegian Lundehund is that it was originally bred to hunt puffins. These small, bird-like creatures are found along the coasts of Norway and were a valuable source of food for the local people. The Lundehund was specifically bred to navigate the cliffs and narrow crevices where the puffins nested, making it an expert at catching these elusive birds.


2. They have six toes on each foot

Another unique characteristic of the Lundehund is that they have six toes on each foot. This extra digit is a result of the breed’s history as a puffin hunter, as the extra toe provides better traction and stability on the rocky cliffs where they hunt. The extra toe is also a key feature that sets the Lundehund apart from other breeds.


3. Lundehunds can fold their ears shut

One of the most remarkable physical traits of the Lundehund is its ability to fold its ears shut. This feature helps to protect the dog’s ears from debris and water while hunting and also helps to keep them warm in the harsh Norwegian winters. The ability to fold their ears shut is a unique characteristic that is not found in any other breed of dog.


4. The breed nearly went extinct

At one point, the Norwegian Lundehund was on the brink of extinction. In the 1960s, there were only six Lundehunds left in the world. However, dedicated breeders worked tirelessly to revive the breed and today, there are thousands of Lundehunds living around the world.


5. Lundehunds are very flexible

Another interesting fact about the Lundehund is that they are extremely flexible. They can bend their necks and spine in ways that are not possible for other breeds, which allows them to navigate the narrow crevices and tight spaces where puffins nest. This flexibility also makes them excellent agility dogs and they excel in sports such as obedience and agility competitions.


6. They have a special digestive system

The Lundehund has a unique digestive system that allows them to consume a variety of foods that other breeds cannot. They have an extra set of muscles in their digestive tract that helps them to break down and absorb nutrients from their food. This ability to digest a variety of foods made them invaluable to the people of Norway, who often relied on them to help hunt and gather food.


7. Lundehunds have a strong prey drive

As you might expect from a breed that was originally bred to hunt puffins, the Lundehund has a strong prey drive. They are instinctively drawn to small animals and can be difficult to train if they catch a scent that piques their interest. However, with proper training and socialization, they can learn to live peacefully with other animals.


8. They are great family pets

Despite their hunting instincts, Lundehunds make excellent family pets. They are affectionate and loyal to their owners and love to spend time with their families. They are also great with children and other pets, as long as they are properly trained and socialized.


9. Lundehunds are good climbers

Thanks to their unique physical characteristics and history as puffin hunters, the Lundehund is an excellent climber. They can scale cliffs and navigate rocky terrain with ease, making them ideal hiking companions for adventurous owners. Their agility and surefootedness also make them great candidates for sports such as agility and flyball.


10. Lundehunds are talkative dogs

If you’re looking for a dog that will keep you entertained with its vocalizations, the Lundehund might be the breed for you. These dogs are known for their talkative nature and are not shy about expressing themselves through barks, whines, and other vocalizations. They can be trained to keep their barking under control, but their natural chattiness is part of what makes them so endearing.


11. They have a unique way of playing

When it comes to playtime, the Lundehund has a unique approach. Rather than engaging in traditional games of fetch or tug-of-war, they prefer to play “hide and seek” with their owners. This game involves hiding treats or toys around the house and allowing the Lundehund to use its incredible sense of smell to track them down. This type of play is not only fun for the dog, but it also helps to stimulate their minds and keep them mentally sharp.


12. Lundehunds are prone to certain health issues

Like all breeds of dogs, the Lundehund is prone to certain health issues. One of the most common issues seen in the breed is Lundehund Syndrome, a digestive disorder that can lead to chronic diarrhea and other gastrointestinal problems. The breed is also prone to hip dysplasia and eye problems, so it’s important to choose a reputable breeder and have your dog screened for these issues.


13. They have a strong sense of smell

Thanks to their history as puffin hunters, the Lundehund has a strong sense of smell that is unmatched by many other breeds. They can detect even the faintest scents and can be trained to work as search and rescue dogs, as well as in other scent-based activities.


14. Lundehunds have a long lifespan

One of the benefits of owning a Lundehund is that they have a relatively long lifespan compared to other breeds. On average, a Lundehund can live for 12-15 years, which means you can enjoy many years of companionship with your furry friend.


15. They are an intelligent breed

The Lundehund is a highly intelligent breed that is capable of learning a wide range of commands and tricks. They are quick learners and thrive on mental stimulation, so it’s important to provide them with plenty of opportunities to learn and play. With the right training and socialization, the Lundehund can make an excellent companion for individuals and families alike.


In conclusion, the Norwegian Lundehund is a breed of dog that is full of surprises. From their six toes and ability to fold their ears shut to their unique digestive system and talkative nature, there are many interesting facts and trivia to discover about this one-of-a-kind breed. Despite their near-extinction in the past, the Lundehund has made a remarkable comeback and continues to capture the hearts of pet owners around the world.

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