The story of Noodles the shelter dog started off as a sad one. The abused Beagle was scared of everyone and was constantly ignored by all. She’d just sit in the corner and never look anyone directly in the eye. Noodles sat there as if she wanted to die. Until one particular man showed up and decided to take a chance on her.

The depressed dog caught his eye, and he just had to try and help. He took her home and introduced her to another dog he’d rescued named Weezie. The two dogs hit it off right away and bonded as if they knew they had something in common.

This helped Noodles break out of her shell, and she ultimately became a completely different dog! She’s such a sweet girl with a great personality. The man’s takeaway from her story? “Save a shelter dog… you will be glad you did.” ?

Two Dogs Start FIGHTING. Now Watch What Happens When the Third Dog Steps In.

We need more responsible dogs like this one in the world. A dog fight is nothing out of the ordinary; sometimes it’s the only way for pups (and humans) to resolve their differences. Fortunately, there are dogs (and humans) who have the ability and the strength of character to keep the peace. This is one such dog. When the two puppies in this video start fighting, he comes running out of nowhere, leaps onto the couch in a single bound (with a pretty smooth skid to a stop, we might add), and puts an IMMEDIATE stop to all the nonsense.

But he doesn’t stop there. Both pups are treated to a sound scolding afterwards. Now THAT’s a take-charge kinda pooch! Look, he even has backup muscle, in case things get out of hand!

Lost Dog Sneaks Onto School Bus And Driver Has No Idea, Goes To Junior High

A new student hopped aboard a school bus in Vancouver, Washington, recently. While that might sound like something that happens every day across the globe, this story is unique because the new student is not who you’d expect. The student also did not let anyone know she was on board. This new student is an adorable Bull Terrier.

Source: Oregon Live

That’s right, this dog obviously wanted to be ‘teacher’s pet’ and join in the morning commute to school with a group of kids. It wasn’t until about halfway through the ride that the driver noticed the sneaky little stowaway.

Source: Oregon Live

The driver decided she would wait until the bus was at the school to check it out. Once they got there, however, the dog wiggled out of the arms of one of the kids who tried to carry her off. She ran all over the schoolyard just like most kids do. Finally, the school janitor was able to snag her and placed her in the bathroom. Animal control showed up and whisked the pooch off.

Source: Oregon Live

Thankfully, according to Oregon Live, the pooch was reunited with her worried owners. The dog broke free and bolted out the front gate.  We wonder though, if this sweet pooch thought she was taking a ride to obedience school? The dog wasn’t microchipped and she didn’t have a collar but word got out that her parents had been looking for her and they had called the police station.

This happy ending is a great reminder to always have your pets microchipped. Wearing a collar, with current information, is VERY important too!