Crate training is an essential part of looking after your pup and can help you bond with them as well as teach them important skills. If done correctly it can be a positive experience, however if done wrong it can lead to many problems. Here are some tips on how to crate-train your pup successfully:


  • Set up the crate in a place where your pup will feel relaxed and safe – such as near family members or their favourite toys. Place a blanket over the top for extra privacy and comfort.
  • Start by introducing your pup to the crate slowly. Place treats and toys inside so they can explore without feeling too intimidated. With enough time, they’ll begin to associate the crate with positive experiences.
  • Don’t force or push your pup into going in the crate— instead let them enter themselves, encouraging them with reassuring words and praise when they do so.
  • Once your pup is comfortable going in the crate, start closing the door for short periods of time (e.g 2 minutes). Gradually increase this amount of time each day until they seem happy being crated for longer amounts of time (no more than 4 hours).
  • Avoid using the crate as punishment—this will only make them scared or anxious of going inside which could make all kinds of problems in future! Be sure to reward good behaviour whilst crate training and use positive reinforcement such as treats to encourage them to stay in there happily!
  • Make sure not to leave your pup crated up all day while you’re away at work or out doing errands—it’s important that they get regular interaction with people too! Try scheduling regular playtimes throughout the day, taking walks outside and providing puzzle toys inside during long separations from family members!

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