Training your dog is essential for a harmonious and happy relationship with your furry friend. With countless resources available, online platforms such as Skillshare offer a convenient and affordable way to learn from experienced professionals. In this article, we’ll explore the best Skillshare classes on dog training, ranging from basic obedience to advanced skills and specialized training techniques.

  1. The Complete Dog Training Course: From Puppy to Adult – Ian Stone

This comprehensive course by Ian Stone, a certified professional dog trainer and owner of Simpawtico Dog Training, is perfect for both first-time dog owners and those looking to brush up on their training skills. Ian covers everything from puppy socialization and crate training to teaching essential commands and addressing common behavioral issues. With clear explanations and engaging demonstrations, this course is an excellent foundation for any dog owner.

  1. Dog Training 101: Mastering the Art of Dog Training – Nicole Ellis

Nicole Ellis, a celebrity dog trainer, and pet lifestyle expert, offers a well-structured course that covers essential training techniques and principles. Her approach focuses on positive reinforcement and relationship-building, and the course includes practical lessons on teaching basic commands, loose-leash walking, and addressing problem behaviors. Nicole’s expertise and engaging teaching style make this course enjoyable and informative for all dog owners.

  1. Clicker Training for Dogs: The Science and Art of Shaping Behavior – Pat Miller

If you’re interested in clicker training, this course by Pat Miller, a pioneer in positive dog training, is an excellent resource. Pat offers a deep dive into the science of operant conditioning and how it can be applied to train your dog effectively. The course includes step-by-step demonstrations on teaching behaviors using a clicker, as well as troubleshooting tips for common training challenges.

  1. Canine Enrichment: Boost Your Dog’s Mental and Physical Health – Sassafras Lowrey

Training isn’t just about teaching commands; it’s also about providing mental and physical stimulation for your dog. Award-winning author and certified trick dog instructor Sassafras Lowrey’s course explores canine enrichment techniques that will keep your dog happy and engaged. From puzzle toys to scent work and indoor games, this course offers creative ideas for keeping your dog’s mind and body active.

  1. Train Your Dog Like a Pro: Advanced Obedience and Agility – Susan Garrett

For those looking to take their dog’s training to the next level, Susan Garrett, a world-renowned dog trainer, and agility competitor, offers a course on advanced obedience and agility. Susan’s expertise in both competitive obedience and agility shines through in her detailed lessons and demonstrations. This course is perfect for those interested in dog sports or simply seeking to strengthen their dog’s skills and bond with their canine companion.


Skillshare offers a wealth of knowledge and resources for dog owners looking to improve their training skills. From basic obedience to advanced techniques and specialized approaches, these courses provide valuable insights and practical advice from experienced professionals. By investing time and effort into learning from these courses, you can deepen your bond with your furry friend and enjoy the many benefits of a well-trained and happy dog.


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I Love My Dog So Much is an American-Based Online Magazine Focused On Dogs, Including Entertainment, Wellness, Educational Resources For Pet Owners, Advocacy, And Animal Rescue.
