Like the rest of his canine buddies, Luca never understood the world. The world surrounding the 4-year-old rescue knew there was a beauty, but it was always a haze. If his eyes would only let him, he would take it all in and enjoy every second.


And Luca recently experienced that moment as a result of eye surgery. He was able to see everything for the first time in his life, including how much his mom loved him.



After suffering from impaired vision for years, Luca had cataract surgery in July. The adorable rescue appeared ready to resume life on the third day of recovery. However, this time, he would get to witness it.


 Luca’s mother, Katie Schneller said, “We went on our normal walk, but instead of running around with his nose to the ground and sniffing everything, he was taking a few steps, stopping and just staring around. It was so beautiful. He kept whipping his head around to make eye contact with me and giving me his big doggy smile.”


Luca was accompanied by his most trusted companion, Mom, as he soaked in every detail of his new clear world.


“He would sit in the middle of the road and look up at the trees, then walk over to the edge of the road and stare at the river with his mouth open,” according to Schneller. “I really did interpret him as being completely in awe. This is a dog who never stops moving — [and he] just sat and stared for minutes at a time.”


You can watch Luca see the world here:




When Animal Care Centers NYC took Luca in, he was a homeless man. Schneller visited him every day after work and experienced “love at first sight” there.


 Schneller recalled, “The rescue staff actually tried to dissuade me from adopting him because they said he was too anxious and high-energy and the blindness would only exacerbate that. I assured them I was up for the challenge.”


Schneller noticed Luca’s eyesight getting worse as he started bumping into things. One specific instance resulted in a trip to the emergency department. Schneller realized it was time for surgery at that point.


Afterward, the vet advised Schneller that it might take Luca up to seven days to regain his vision.


“He looked so happy in the car, but was still very swollen and kept his eyes closed most of the time,” Schneller said. “He slept through most of the day and just did gentle walks.”


Fortunately, Luca experienced the advantages sooner and can now see every day how happy he makes his mom.


“He is an incredible dog,” Schneller said. ”I’ve had dogs before, but Luca is special. He feels like my soulmate. He is the cuddliest, smartest, happiest pup I’ve ever met. He loves everyone and has brought so many wonderful people into my world. I love him in ways I have trouble putting into words … every day it’s more than the last.”


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