The Virginia dog daycare known as @dogtownva on TikTok frequently posts films showing what it’s like to have the coolest job ever. All day long, these workers get to play with dogs. What more could one ask for? Yet having fun and games with the animals isn’t all there is to it.

These workers not only get to spend the entire workday with dogs, but they also get to learn all about them and their adorable personalities. They featured Paczki, a dog that attends the daycare, in a recent video. This adorable dog was rescued in Russia. Wait until you see her tattoo, too.

@dogtownva Say hi to Paczki 😭 #fyp #dogs #rescue #russian #paczki ♬ Possibility – Lykke Li


Aww! When we first saw Paczki, we had no idea that love could exist between dogs. We are extremely sorry that he, along with all the stray dogs in Russia, must have tattoos to serve as identification. We are unable to fathom how painful that must have been. That obviously didn’t dampen his spirits because this dog has been rescued and has never been happier!

@fonsie7 commented, “I am so sorry for the awful life he had. Thank you for providing him the best. He obviously enjoys his time at the dog daycare because the bad is in the past. He also appears to be in excellent health! Our hearts beat faster when we learn that his name means Little Donut. SO ADORABLE


HA! @melcava2, a different TikTok user, made the following remark: “Awe on top of being a rescue, now he’s got to learn a new language.” This dog will quickly acquire bilingualism. He’s now smarter than we are, for crying out loud!

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I Love My Dog So Much is an American-Based Online Magazine Focused On Dogs, Including Entertainment, Wellness, Educational Resources For Pet Owners, Advocacy, And Animal Rescue.
