Dexter suffered a freak injury in 2015 that rendered his front legs useless. The future of his life and whether he would be able to travel the world in the same way he once did were uncertainties for his family while he recovered. They feared he could be restricted, but then he discovered how to walk like a normal person.

Dexter somehow learned to stand up straight on his two back legs, just like his family did. Now that he can move around easily, he enjoys taking a leisurely stroll through the world as if nothing ever occurred. His tenacity is unrivaled, and every day he motivates others around him.


Meeting new people is one of Dexter’s favorite activities, and he never passes up the chance to make a stranger into a buddy. He and his family had recently attended the Fourth of July festival in his town, where there were automobiles and trucks parked all over the place. Dexter immediately started sprinting like a person from car to car, attempting to say hi to all of his buddies, both old and new, as soon as he saw the cars and humans.

“[He] was waiting for the parade to start and we were walking from our house to our place in line,” Kentee Pasek, Dexter’s mom, told The Dodo. “We had about 15 to 20 vehicles he passed and greeted everyone. The town knows him and he just goes up like this to say hi!”


Dexter joyfully wandered from one car to the next as everyone was so excited to meet him. Even though the procession wasn’t yet underway, this was the true parade for Dexter and everyone who loves him.

“Dexter loves the attention and goes to visit anyone who says his name or says hi,” Pasek said. “He lives to say hi to people and show off and strut! All day long!”


Dexter was given the opportunity to participate in the actual march after his own pre-parade. There is no denying that he was without a doubt the highlight of the entire procession as he displayed his distinctive stride for the entire town.

Dexter may not have been able to utilize his front legs, but that didn’t stop him from moving forward. He adjusted, discovered the most lovely means of transportation, and now he enjoys walking around like a human and introducing himself to everyone.


You can follow Dexter on TikTokFacebook and Instagram.

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