Pet parents love to spoil their fur babies. And yes, we’re included in that! We can’t help but bring home a new toy or treat every time we’re at the store. We do it because it puts the biggest smiles on their faces and we can’t get enough of that.

One dog parent went above and beyond by getting a dog bed that looked like this Golden Doodle’s favorite toy. Aww, that’s such a great idea! Well, that is if the right size is ordered. TikTok user @mostlythedoodle still gave the Lamb Chop bed to the dog and his reaction is seriously so sweet. Check it out!


O.M.G. Stop it! This is the most adorable thing we’ve ever seen! He didn’t care the bed was too small. That is his bed now and he’s never going to give it up!

TikToker @kaleashae commented, “The way they became one when he laid down.” Right?! We honestly prefer the smaller size because he looks so stinkin’ adorable laying in it. @justcallmekimm suggested, “Get him a bigger lamby bed so he can have both sizes.” That’s the best idea we’ve heard all week!

“Let’s demand larger sized Lamp Chop beds for every dog baby sizes,” said @barrygoldenretriever.” It’s honestly in this company’s best interest to do that because every single dog would want one. They’d sell out SO fast! And yes, we’d be responsible for making the bed sell out. LOL! “Once I introduced my dog to a lamby, he never went back. Now, he has 10+ of them in all sizes/holiday themes. He needs this bed!” added @914mjd. See?! 


Source: Pethelpful

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