When cats and dogs get along, it’s just so beautiful. Playing together, eating together, and sleeping together is just the cutest thing ever. Or when dogs suspiciously conceal their closest buddy under their bodies, like in the case of this cute Golden Retriever that belongs to TikTok user @Tommylee 00.

Watch this amusing video to witness the cat’s reaction when the dog makes a very guilty expression. Too adorable!

@tommylee_00She really thought she was hiding him 🤣

♬ Toy Story: You’ve Got A Friend In Me – Geek Music



LOL! It’s so funny how they are both busted and freak out. @Leaflady says “He is so precious and the cat obviously likes him or it wouldn’t put up with him!” @FrustratedParakeet says, “Golden retriever energy PLUS Orange Boi energy…immaculate vibes in that house!” Awww, so true. @Stacee comments, “The cat gasping for air has me laughing!” @Jennywrx says, “Omg he loves the kitty kitty!”

Together, they are just too adorable. Evidently, they get along well. And everyone will know where to search from now on if the cat goes missing!


Source: Pet Helpful

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