A rescue dog who donated blood to save another dog was in danger of being euthanized due to his length of stay at a shelter. Stanford, a Rhodesian Ridgeback dog, had been at the Smith County shelter in Texas for four months. Even though he had previously donated blood to the animal emergency clinic to save another life of a dog he was still on the next to be euthanized list.

Thanks to an outpouring of love on social media, a No Kill Shelter in Northeast Texas called Let Love Live saved this beautiful dog from being put down.


@Melissa Taylor Fergusen comments, “Prayers that someone with a kind heart will adopt and save such a sweet soul.” @Danielle Durst adds, “Imagine using a dog to save a “wanted” dog and then being willing to let him be euthanized. Poor thing deserves better.” @Sam Ditzhazy angrily comments, “This should read: “Dog used as blood bank by shelter about to be killed by the same shelter unless someone comes and gets him.”

Let Love Live posted the following sweet video to their Facebook page.



@Britnay Workman comments, “THANK YOU SO MUCH for saving Stanford. You are so amazing!” @Shauna Sauer replies, “Thank you for being a hero that Stanford needed! I hope he gets a family soon.”

For anyone interested in Stanford, the shelter writes “He is currently available for adoption. In the following link you will find our adoption application. If you are interested please fill it out and we will reach out to you! You can find the adoption application here.


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I Love My Dog So Much is an American-Based Online Magazine Focused On Dogs, Including Entertainment, Wellness, Educational Resources For Pet Owners, Advocacy, And Animal Rescue.
