When it comes to their food, our dogs are extremely territorial. In fact, so are we! Nobody is allowed to take our fries, please. LOL! We can therefore understand why our furry friends don’t want to share.

We do however wish kids understood that caring involves sharing. Beautiful friendships can be forged over food. Just use @lizardthebuddy, a user on TikTok, as an illustration. The outcome of this Bearded Dragon and Labrador snacking together is as nice as it gets.

@lizardthebuddy We all have that one friend who’s always wants your food 🤣 #petlover #PetsOfTikTok #foryou #labrador #reptile ♬ Toy Story: You’ve Got A Friend In Me – Geek Music


Stop it! We can’t handle this cuteness! Our dogs would never share their food so nicely like this. Well, we wouldn’t necessarily say this Labrador was sharing…

“Dog eating all the good stuff and leaving the lizard with JUST lettuce,” pointed out @casinolover66. LMAO! That’s the first thing we noticed too! This dog wasn’t sharing, he was just eating what he wanted and leaving the gross veggies to the bearded dragon. Smart doggo in our eyes! @zachmallett said, “That’s my mom ‘checking’ my Halloween candy.” O.M.G. Why is this so true!? They’ll say they’re checking but in reality, they’re taking all the good stuff just like this dog!


“These relationships absolutely amaze me and are so delightful!” commented @deedeendsley3228. Right?! You’d never expect these two to be around each other, let alone share food with each other! But that’s why we love TikTok. There’s always something new for us to see!


Source: Pet Helpful

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