One of the best aspects of owning a dog is playing with him. Their unrestrained playfulness can make virtually anyone grin, and you both get some exercise while bonding (and typically laughing). The outcome of any game of fetch, tug of war, or, in the case of this dog dad, hide and seek, is always the same: heaps of fun!


The reason why people are adoring the recent viral video from @noah and lincoln is that everyone is happy. Even the older American Bulldog Noah and his younger furry sibling are grinning as they look for their father, but when they do, it’s even sweeter!

@noah_and_lincolnThe moment Dad realized he was exposed 😨 😂 Anyone notice how Lincoln slammed his body into Noah opening the door? 😆 funny dogs

♬ original sound – veggibeats




We’ll wager that you’re grinning right now, too. Right? This video is so full of joy! As you can see by what they said, the commenters must be in awe of these adorable three.


“You guys are so wholesome!,” said @roamingautism. “Always makes my day!” We have a feeling many other viewers share this sentiment, including @grimlock king, who couldn’t help but gush over “what sweet boys” Lincoln and Noah are.




Other commenters, like @king0fz0mbies, found the reactions of this incredible dog dad amusing. He noted, “The look says it all. “The jig is up 😂,” he said. Even if the game of hide-and-seek was shorter than most people are accustomed to, it was nonetheless enjoyable to observe that particular look.


@invalid.characters added, “Dad behind the door 👁️👄👁️.” 

LMAO! Never before has an emoji face been so realistic. If we’re being completely honest, it has us giggling once more! We wish this cute furry family’s happiness never ends since it is contagious!

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I Love My Dog So Much is an American-Based Online Magazine Focused On Dogs, Including Entertainment, Wellness, Educational Resources For Pet Owners, Advocacy, And Animal Rescue.
