Source: Animal Shelter

The dog’s rescuers name her Cookie. As she ate her first real meal in so long, you could see she was beyond excited. It’s so heartwrenching to think how long it had been since she was cared for properly. No dog deserves to suffer like this!

Source: Animal Shelter

Despite being through such horrific things, Cookie is a happy dog who loves people. She has a big, forgiving heart. While she continued to heal at the vet clinic, her rescuers were contacted by a nice family. They wanted to adopt Cookie. They even agreed to work with her to build up her strength.

Source: Animal Shelter

Cookie’s new family is so in love with her. They don’t mind that she has to wear a diaper and that she can’t walk. They know she’s worth all the effort and more.

Source: Animal Shelter

At the end of the rescue video, you get to see Cookie in her new home, living her best life. This is the happy ending we wish for all animals! Thank you to her kind rescuers, the vet staff, and her new loving family!