Although choosing to adopt a dog is a major decision, for most families, it is the BEST choice! There are so many dogs looking for forever homes, and they can bring so much to our lives.

Drove, a 5-year-old dog, was discovered chained up inside an abandoned home during an inquiry. The Humane Society of Memphis & Shelby took him in (HSM&S). Drove immediately won over the employees after they first met him! He would undoubtedly make the ideal family pet due to his nice, collected demeanor and loyal character, yet for 7 months, he was repeatedly passed over!



Then something magical happened!

Morgan and Tyler, a newlywed couple, came in seeking to adopt a new dog. Morgan had recently lost her 13-year-old Boxer. Driving to HSM&S because they both intended to adopt a rescue, they met Drove there.


It was love at first sight!

Drove, who had been given the new name Samson (often known as Sammy) after finishing all the papers, received the finest wake-up call ever. They were prepared to bring him home with them.

He was sleeping so beautifully and had no idea that he was about to go home, a member of the shelter staff recalled the adorable scene.

“Since the first night we brought him home, he hates to leave our side,” Morgan said. “If my husband or I get up to grab some water, or leave the room for a second, he follows us to make sure we are not leaving.”



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I Love My Dog So Much is an American-Based Online Magazine Focused On Dogs, Including Entertainment, Wellness, Educational Resources For Pet Owners, Advocacy, And Animal Rescue.
