Dogs sometimes bark when they see another dog on a walk. That’s normal! What confuses us is why sometimes they bark and other times they’re completely fine. But TikTok user @hamiltondogtraining, a Washington-based dog training company, is sharing some insight on why this happens.

If your dog barks at other dogs, it might be something called fear reactivity. This is commonly mistaken for aggression because the dog looks big and scary. But the reality behind this bark might come as a surprise. Take a look! 


Wow, this is such an insightful clip. It gives us a better idea of why our dogs bark at other dogs. Hopefully, we can work with them to be less afraid of other dogs now! 

“A Pit attacked my dog when she was 6 weeks old. Now she constantly barks at dogs and people. The vet thinks it’s normal but I think she’s just afraid,” commented Fear reactivity could be the reason behind the constant barking, especially after a dog has gone through a traumatic event. 

@roannadee76 said, “OMG my doggy is reactive on leash and it’s stressful.” Our dog is the very same way and we feel bad that our dogs bark at other dogs. And now we feel even worse that it’s most likely because they’re scared or anxious. Our poor fur babies! Time to hug them and tell them everything will be alright! 


Source: Pethelpful

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